Securing SSH Login

*UNIX Servers, like any Device once it’s connected to the Internet, it could be under any Cyber Attacks. In this article, we will try to reach Best Practice Security methods, in order to secure our Server(s) login from non-authorized users. First, when you access your *UNIX Server, it may show you the following: As we…

Ubuntu 16.04 image + Plesk fail booting

This is a random issue that you might run into on Ubuntu 16.04 with Plesk install. It has been fixed for newer images as of Jun, 5th 2018. Load Knoppix or Gparted to your DVD drive from the cloud panel. Mount your partitions using the following guide: 3. chroot to mnt. # chroot /mnt…

Installing SSL Certificate on Windows Server using Internet Information Services (IIS)

First when applying / assigning your SSL Certificate on your Domain, a POP-UP window will appear and asks you to Download the Private Key. It’s Very important to Download the Private Key, otherwise, you need to reissue the SSL Certificate in order to Download new Private Key. Second step is, to Create and Download *.PFX…

Deploying a Website using Docker

1). First image your server with a pre-built docker image or follow the instructions below to install manually: A). yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2B). yum-config-manager –add-repo yum install dockerD). systemctl start dockerE). systemctl enable docker 2). cd /opt3). sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 4). chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 5). yum install…

Checking drives on HW Raid BMC Servers in Linux Rescue

Follow these steps to check drives on your BMC Server while booted to Linux Rescue: For servers using Broadcom Raid Cards: 1). storcli64 /c0 show all2). storcli64 /c0/eall/sall show3). storcli64 /c0/eALL/sALL show all – Gets drive serials For servers using PERC Raid Cards: 1). For Disk 0: perccli64 /c0/e32/s0 show all2). For Disk 1: perccli64…

Increase LVM Partition to Take Up Remaining Space

This is the process of increasing the LVM Partition to fill use up added disk space after a cloud server is reconfigured. Overview: Remove and Recreate physical LVM Partition(/dev/sda2) Extend LVM Physical Volume(pvresize) Extend LVM Logical Volume(lvresize) Extend Filesystem into remaining space(xfs_growfs//resize2fs) In this example a Cloud Server configuration: Configuration: CPU: 2 vCore RAM: 2…